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Mai 122022

Answer: (A) amount of agreement and you may disagreementLikert scale are a good 5-section summated measure used to dictate the level of contract otherwise disagreement of respondents to help you a statement when you look at the a study.


77. Hence of one’s after the conditions refers to the consistency or even the capability to give an identical reaction up on its frequent management?A great. ValidityB. ReliabilityC. SensitivityD. Objectivity

Answer: (B) ReliabilityReliability was repeatability of your device; it can generate a comparable solutions even with ranged government of new instrument78. And this conditions consider the skill of this new means so you’re able to locate great variations among the many sufferers getting learned?A beneficial. SensitivityB. ReliabilityC. ValidityD. Objectivity

Answer: (A) SensitivitySensitivity are an attribute of your appliance that enable the brand new participants to identify differences of your own options where to choose from

79. And therefore of one’s following words consider the amount that something tips the goals said to be scale?A great. ValidityB. ReliabilityC. Awareness

Answer: (A) ValidityValidity is actually making certain the fresh appliance includes compatible questions relating to brand new research topic80. He agreements to own their testing strategy. And this testing strategy gets equivalent chance to all devices regarding the inhabitants to find chose?An excellent. RandomB. AccidentalC. QuotaD. Judgment

Answer: (A) RandomRandom testing offers equivalent window of opportunity for all issues on the society are chose within the test.

81. Raphael has an interest more resources for transcultural nursing because he is tasked on family rooms in which really people are from different cultures and nations. And that of one’s following habits is acceptable because of it investigation?A beneficial. Grounded theoryB. EthnographyC. Instance studyD. Phenomenology

Answer: (B) EthnographyEthnography concerns models out of behavior out-of selected individuals contained in this a beneficial culture82. The brand new breastfeeding theorist exactly who arranged transcultural medical theory isA. Dorothea OremB. Betty NewmanD. Sr. Callista Roy

Answer: (B) Madeleine LeiningerMadeleine Leininger developed the principle on the transcultural concept according to this lady findings for the conclusion off chosen some body contained in this a beneficial culture83. Which of your following the statements top means good phenomenological studies?A good. Requires the breakdown and you may interpretation away from social behaviorB. Is targeted on the definition of experience as people that feel itC. Comes to a call at-depth study of an individual or groupD. Concerns gathering and you can taking a look at studies whose goal is to cultivate theories rooted from inside the real-business observations

Answer: (B) Focuses on the meaning off feel given that people that experience itPhenomenological study pertains to knowing the meaning of event since the people that knowledgeable the new event.84. He systematically agreements his sampling plan. Is always to the guy chooses to include anybody who clients is acknowledge inside investigation he uses just what sampling method?An effective. JudgmentB. AccidentalC. RandomD. Quota

Answer: (B) AccidentalAccidental testing is a low-possibilities testing approach that has people who find themselves at the nudistfriends uygulaması website during the studies collection.

Madeleine LeiningerC

85. The guy fundamentally pling. Which of pursuing the actions of Raphael is right?A beneficial. Intentions to become anybody who is there during their research.B. Determines the various nationality of people apparently acknowledge and ples away from for every single.C. Assigns quantity for each and every of one’s patients, set such in a great fishbowl and you can mark ten from it.D. ples on the admitted people

Answer: (B) Decides various nationality regarding people seem to acknowledge and you may ples out of for every single.View sampling involves together with examples according to the expertise in the new investigator about the people throughout the investigation.

86. The guy knows that particular patients who will be in the a specialist lookup mode will work emotionally into conditions of your own analysis. This can be referred to asA. BiasB. Hawthorne effectC. Halo effectD. Horns impact

Answer: (B) Hawthorne effectHawthorne feeling will be based upon the analysis regarding Elton Mayo and company regarding aftereffect of an input done to boost the functional standards of one’s pros to their production. They led to a greater output yet not considering the intervention however, as a result of the emotional ramifications of are observed. It did in another way because they was basically not as much as observance.87. And this of your own following the circumstances consider the feeling out-of closing you to Raphael experiences whenever research range ceases so you’re able to give one the fresh recommendations?A good. SaturationB. PrecisionC. LimitationD. Benefits

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