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Jun 022022

With the dominance of online dating apps on the market right now, it makes you wonder whether it’s even possible to meet someone IRL anymore. Here we muse on the idea of meeting new people without the help of dating apps.

The stigma of online dating has runaway with Internet Explorer into the sunset, never to be seen again. Which is great: you can dedicate a whole page of your smartphone to dating apps alone and in theory, no-one shall judge you. Who could judge you when everyone seems to be on it? Tinder has produced over 10 billion matches – that’s a lot of love. Millennials in particular are swiping right more than ever and as of 2015, 45% of memberships to online dating site RSVP belonged to those under 35. It’s not surprising considering how easy, fun, and convenient online dating is set up to be. But we have to ask, although we may be meeting more people through online dating, are our dating lives enriched by the experiences or is there something to be said for meeting new people without a dating app? Continue reading »