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Mrz 282022

The fees – which could be as high as 16% – started creating buzz in mid-March after a policy revision was issued by the U.S. Department of Education. It’s yet another reminder of why borrowers should do all that’s possible to avoid defaulting on student loans.

Ever since , agencies that collect on defaulted debt were forbidden by the Obama administration from tacking on a hefty fee if students began repaying within 60 days of a default. Those who defaulted and rehabilitated after 60 days were still subject to the fee.

But under the Trump administrations’s revised policy, even students who begin repaying loans quickly after a default could be charged the fee. Continue reading »

Mrz 252022

A week after USA Today reported that outstanding student loans would reach $1 trillion before the end of the year, President Obama on Wednesday announced a series of new measures aimed at easing the burden of debt on students struggling to repay their federal college loans.

Speaking to a crowd of college students in Denver, Colorado, the president outlined a new „Pay As You Earn“ plan.

According to the original plan, which Congress approved in 2010, borrowers would be able to reduce their monthly payments from 15 to ten percent of their discretionary income as of 2014. Additionally, that plan dictated that the balance of borrowers‘ debt would be forgiven after 20 years of payments rather than in 25 years. On Wednesday, the president said he would use an executive order to make those benefits available to borrowers as early as 2012. Continue reading »