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Jul 232022
  • Carefully read the terms and conditions of the bonus.
  • Deposit the minimum amount required through the payment method specified (check if e-wallets are excluded or not).
  • Insert a promo code when you make the deposit (optional, only if required).
  • Check out the list of casino games that are eligible for the bonus and in what percentage.
  • Meet the wagering requirements within the given time window.
  • Convert the bonus funds to real money.
  • Cash out and enjoy your winnings!

100% Deposit Bonus Eligibility Requirements

Not all 100% deposit bonuses are created equally, meaning that not all of them will have the exact same eligibility requirements.

Age Requirements

Licensed casinos are required to comply to the local stipulations on the legal gambling age of all countries they operate in or advertise to. In the US, however, you need to be 21 years old or over. If you’re not of legal gambling age, you won’t be allowed to register on an online gambling platform and subsequently will not be able to claim a 100% deposit bonus. This will be mentioned in the bonus terms as ’18+‘ or ’18 only‘. Continue reading »