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Dez 072021

Whenever Kyle Lowry made an appearance irate at Dwane Casey at the conclusion of a disheartening decrease in Sacramento in December, it decided not to appear crucial

Darren Calabrese/National Post

Content articles

TORONTO — with the million points that moved completely wrong during the devastating beginning to the Toronto Raptors’ month, the frayed partnership between mentor Dwane Casey and aim protect Kyle Lowry never really caught on, narratively speaking.



There have been sexier information: Andrea Bargnani’s season from Hades, the less-than-ideal dynamic between Casey and serwisy randkowe dla wikaЕ„skich profesjonalistГіw Bryan Colangelo plus the Raptors’ total defensive damage all rated as main questions. Very, when Lowry came out irate at Casey after a disheartening decrease in Sacramento, CA in December, they couldn’t seem essential. Continue reading »