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Feb 252023

The new Religiously Unaffiliated

Latin America’s religious land is being reshaped not just by the somebody that have switched out of Catholic to Protestant church buildings also from the whoever has abandoned any association that have structured religion.

Uruguay is home to the greatest part of religiously unaffiliated grownups from inside the Latin America (37%), more or less twice as much express out of unaffiliated members of any country in the region. (Look for Religion inside the Uruguay.)

Round the Latin The usa, and certainly Hispanics in the united states, people that unaffiliated claim that they have no sorts of religion rather than explaining by themselves once the atheist or agnostic. Throughout the you to definitely-in-10 or maybe more adults inside Uruguay (24%), new Dominican Republic (18%), El Salvador (12%) and you can Chile (11%) say he’s got zero sort of religion. In the united states, 15% away from Hispanics fall under these kinds.

Religion when you look at the Uruguay

To your of a lot issues on the survey, Uruguay is actually an outlier, by far Latin America’s really secular nation. Continue reading »