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Jul 032022

“[Allaah thought to Iblees:] And befool them slowly those people who you is among them that have your own sound (i.e. songs, songs, and just about every other need Allaah’s disobedience)…” [al-Israa‘ ]

It was narrated you to definitely Mujaahid (could possibly get Allaah provides mercy on your) said: “And you can befool them gradually the individuals who you can be among them which have their sound” – their voice [new sound from Iblees/Shaytaan] are vocal and you may falsehood. elizabeth., your own sound] provides to really make the meaning specific, as with the newest phrases [translated since] “your own cavalry” and you will “their infantry” [after in identical aayah]. Individuals just who talks in any way that isn’t obedient to help you Allaah, visitors which blows on the a good flute and other woodwind appliance, otherwise just who performs any haraam variety of instrument, here is the voice of the Shaytaan. Continue reading »