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Dez 162023

S o, Nice Dudes out of Ok Cupid isn’t any way more. Particularly an excellent whirlwind love, it found its way to a thumb, sparked a few widespread weeks of overheated passions, after that vanished on nights. Merely why the fresh new Tumblr blog might have been taken remains undecided; the reasons for its popularity can be more effortlessly speculated upon. Within its quick life, they attained hundreds of thousands of hyperlinks, dozens of aggravated blogs, provides regarding the Huffington Blog post and you will Gawker, and you may was emphasized of the prominent feminists such as for instance Laurie Cent and you may Hugo Schwyzer.

With regards to the website’s supporters, anyone who uses the phrase friend region – definition an ostensibly platonic relationships in which one individual are romantically searching for the other – is actually intrinsically misogynist and you will showing entitled, privileged thinking

Brand new expressed intention of one’s site was to identity and guilt users of the dating website Ok Cupid which announced themselves „nice men“ throughout 2nd breath stating misogynistic, sexist otherwise indicate feedback. Continue reading »