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Nov 242023

To your one-hand, their own )

This study aims to: pick the initial individual parameters regarding the issue of jobless and you will defer wedding decades in the attitude of the young. To help you identify the most important proposals to manage the issue from jobless plus the late period of wedding, the analysis questions revolved around part of the matter-of the study: exactly what are the most significant individual variables of this situation out-of unemployment additionally the delay age ). Sub-questions: Do you know the foremost mental details in the condition out of unemployment and you will put off marriage about point of view out of the students? Which are the most important actual variables associated with the state off unemployment as well as the late age of relationship regarding the area regarding view of the young? Exactly what are the most significant intellectual details from the problem out of unemployment and later wedding on the point of view from the students? Do you know the essential personal details from the condition out-of unemployment additionally the late period of relationship throughout the area off look at the young? The analysis hit a collection of proposals, including: switching the new manner and you can choices of girls with the wedding, and therefore, foremost at which is the waiver of some ambitions away from marriage, switching the new perceptions and you will decisions off young people into the marriage, which is primary humility and you may fulfillment with a bit of beauty and you can cash in the newest girl for as long as the requirement out of faith is actually met, the latest modification of your own perceptions from family on matrimony, as well as moderation for the matters of engagement, dowry, expenses and relationships, the appearance of courses and meetings and you can lectures when you look at the universities and you can search centers linked to the situation from put-off marriage age. Continue reading »