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Nov 262021

the audience learns almost absolutely nothing about her—most from the non-career-related facts we gather about their include through lens of males. She’s the girl of an alcoholic pops; Ross are intimidated by the woman because her ex-boyfriend keeps two Nobel Prizes, and… that’s it. We don’t also learn if “Charlie” is actually a nickname, but we digress.

When enthusiasts of family reveal Charlie, they tend to point out that there surely is no way a lady like this would date men like Joey, disregarding so it’s in fact an incredibly sensible plotline. There are many gorgeous, solitary, winning feamales in New York just looking currently a Hot Dummy for a bit—but once again, we never find out Charlie’s reasons for online dating either people because their presence is usually to be a portal for white someone, and that is massively discouraging. She is available to toss a wrench in Joey and Ross’s relationship as well as Joey and Rachel’s possible union. The fact that Tyler ended up being cast through colorblind casting (blarg), brings an added layer of sinisterness.

Tyler told InStyle in 2018 that, “there [wasn’t dialogue] in regards to the proven fact that it had been an interracial relationship. There is no discourse in the show about my personal figure being black colored, and I believe that they had only authored this personality because type prefer triangle between Ross and Joey. They taken place to engage a black girl, which—I’m not sure that i am advocating for colorblind casting more than I’m advocating for folks carrying out a more satisfactory job at generating shows varied. Continue reading »