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Jan 022023

2400 BC – 499

„New Sumerian phrase to have female prostitute, kar.boy, takes place in the initial directories regarding specialities going back ca. 2400 B.C. As it seems immediately after nam.lukur. one can assume its connection with forehead provider. It’s interesting your identity kur-garru, a masculine prostitute otherwise transvestite entertainer, appears on the same list however, plus performers. That it Ећimdi buradaki baДџlantД±yД± tД±klayД±n linkage comes from a practice associated with the brand new cult out of Ishtar, in which transvestites did serves having fun with knives. On a single list we discover the next people business: lady doc, scribe, hairdresser, prepare. However, prostitution, even though it is a very old field, is not the eldest.“

Six regarding Hammurabi’s 282 code particularly said the fresh liberties off a great prostitute or man away from good prostitute. [Rules 178-80, 187, 192, 193.]

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