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Nov 132023

“Not true, my fiance are declined a going to charge here, with the You, as she you can expect to “TNT”..she actually is a great wheelchair representative at all like me, features a house inside the Cavite, works well with a beneficial Insurance company in QC, keeps a qualification inside bookkeeping,tends to make 40,000 php. has actually family unit members however, she, and you may 2 dozen almost every other Filipinos was rejected visas on Manila embassy. New passport form absolutely nothing now .Today When the she wants to visit the Me to see me personally, my children see just what West Arizona feels as though, she needs to come over-under a beneficial bride to be visa.It is a very in it techniques .”

Exactly what do filipino men state about all this? You to the ladies try to escape with tend to elderly people from other countries? Perform they perhaps not end up being uncomfortable that an earlier girl prefer a keen possibly hairless and you will lbs old-man unlike a young good-looking filipino people? Does that not do tensions regarding Philippine people and you can recentment regarding men resistant to the dated dudes, as well as facing of a lot filipina feminine? Continue reading »