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Apr 102024

She actually is a sensational, profitable R&B, hip hop singer, so it is not surprising there is a large number of Ciara exes. Below you will find a listing of all the men Ciara dated.

Who was Ciara relationship today? Ciara partnered Seattle Seahawks quarterback Russell Wilson from inside the a castle for the The united kingdomt in . Ciara husband Wilson and you can she show d.

The newest musician and shares a child having ex Upcoming, young buck Coming Zahir Wilburn, produced from inside the 2014. Both was interested https://kissbrides.com/portuguese-women/fatima/, but split in 2014, and then have a bit the contentious relationships.

Talk Newton and you will Amar’e Stoudemire was along with reportedly Ciara boyfriends during the some point. Someone else Ciara old become Trey Songz and you may 50 Penny.

Russell Wilson

Ciara and you may Russell Wilson, an active pair in the world of musical and you may sports, first entered routes during the a University out of Wisconsin basketball games during the , sparking immediate biochemistry relatively condemned getting success. The two began matchmaking appropriate, in public announcing its matchmaking in elizabeth seasons and you will discussing many adored moments since that time, at some point ultimately causing their dazzling relationship inside the an enthusiastic English castle for the . Continue reading »