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Apr 282021

For the first couple of several years of my profession as an architectural photographer, we swore by Adobe Lightroom. In my own experience, Lightroom happens to be extremely helpful for going right through a batch that is large of, however it does not quite maintain with Capture One’s refined controls, therefore I started taking a look at Capture One as a substitute. The situation had been that it could be quite embarrassing to make use of and will be tricky to suit into a recognised workflow, that is a typical problem among photographers.

Effective workflow is way better than rate

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Lightroom is sluggish.

It’s also worse whenever you’re working together with high res files like i have already been much more today’s world. Files from my Canon 5DSR can totally choke Lightroom and they’re not perhaps the resolution that is highest files that we utilize.

In comparison, Capture One has a tendency to manage resolutions that are high more efficiently. Even though modifying huge scans from 8Г—10 big film that is format Capture One seemed to have quite little dilemmas. Continue reading »