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Nov 012022

To get rid of which, I am going to visited request the fresh new consecration out of Russia to help you my personal Immaculate Center, together with Communion away from reparation with the Earliest Saturdays [find right here getting info]

“Once you see every night illumined from the an unidentified white [find right here for facts], remember that here is the high signal considering you of the Goodness that he’s going to punish the country for its crimes, by means of battle, famine, and you can persecutions of your Chapel as well as the fresh new Holy Dad. In the event that my requests is actually heeded, Russia is translated, and there is serenity; if you don’t, she’ll spread this lady problems throughout the world, resulting in wars and you can persecutions of your own Church. Finally, my personal Immaculate Cardiovascular system usually achievement. The fresh Holy Father often consecrate Russia to me, and she will likely be converted, and you will a period of comfort would-be provided to everyone.”

More or less twelve many years later on (June 13, 1929), The Females came back as promised and revealed so you’re able to Lucia, that has just like the joined spiritual lives: “When has arrived in which God asks the new Holy Dad while making, in order to acquisition you to definitely inside relationship having him and also at the brand new same big date, all the bishops of the globe make the consecration out-of Russia on my Immaculate Cardio, promising to transform they as a result of this day’s prayer and worldwide reparation.”

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Jul 082021

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