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Jun 122021

Wisconsin Republican Grothman joins Democrats in sponsoring legislation to discharge borrowers from ‚debt trap‘

Wisconsin Congressman Glenn Grothman (R Glenbeulah ) introduced bipartisan legislation this week along side a few modern co sponsors that aimed at protecting customers from predatory loan providers. “Just on its face, where you’re getting interest levels up over 300%, it is immoral,” Grothman said in a phone press meeting on Tuesday to mark the development of the balance. Citing a report found in planning for the bill, he included, among “anybody age 22 to 53, 13percent regarding the public that is american removed an online payday loan within the last 2 yrs. And that is simply appalling.” The balance, The Veterans and Consumers Fair Credit Act, co sponsored by Rep. JesГєs “Chuy” GarcГ­a (D Ill.) in the homely house and Sens. Jeff Merkley (D Ore.), Jack Reed (D R.I.), Sherrod Brown (D Ohio) and Chris Van Hollen (D Md.), would cap rates of interest on customer loans at 36% APR. Continue reading »