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Mrz 132021

In a few circumstances we might accept No Claims Bonus from the business automobile scheme. We might have to start to see the information that is following business headed notepaper:

  • Your title
  • Dates of insurance coverage aided by the business
  • Information on any claims or accidents
  • Registration wide range of vehicle insured with business
  • Verification of social, domestic and pleasure use
  • Verification you had been the single individual for the vehicle for example. it absolutely was maybe maybe perhaps maybe not just a ‚pool‘ automobile
  • Verification you will no longer have use with this vehicle for example. the No Claims Bonus was released

Whenever am I able to protect my No Claims Bonus?

You will manage to protect your No Claims Bonus provided that:

  • You have got four or higher years No Claims Bonus
  • All motorists in the policy have UK that is full EEC licence

Are you able to cover an imported car?

We could protect you if for example the vehicle is registered in britain. If you’re purchasing your automobile beyond your UK and require address to come back house, insurance coverage will have to be arranged when you look at the nation of purchase. It is A eu requirement.

Would you protect automobiles with adjustments? Continue reading »