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Aug 132022

Usually Katina and Olajuwon get to Decision Date? This new Hitched at first few began the entire year good, however, some conflicts since their special day have some viewers wondering when the they’ll certainly be capable of making its relationship really works. The strike-up emerged in March sixteen episode, where an upset Olajuwon experienced Katina just after the guy located a matchmaking app for her cell phone. New event got Olajuwon informing producers he was considering splitting up, however admirers suspect the fresh new incident has been starred up on adult cams.

Olajuwon discovers an internet dating app towards Katina’s phone for the ‘Married at first Sight‘

Katina and you will Olajuwon’s relationship might only be a month old, but there is however already been no shortage out-of good and the bad to your Boston few. That has been needless to say your situation from the most recent bout of the Lives reality reveal. At first, all the seemed to be going better, into the pair taking place an intimate gondola drive to the one-week anniversary. However, one thing ran laterally while in the a group food toward most other lovers.

Inside the buffet, Olajuwon spoke upwards in the a mystical event that was weigh greatly toward him. Katina had no tip exactly what he was these are, and she is actually frustrated that he’d mention the issue inside the a group function instead of speaking with their personally basic. Continue reading »