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Jul 082022

Grindr for girls: does it exist? There are a bunch of dating apps specifically designed if you are a gay man, some exist for decades and Grindr is the best known, being around for more than 10 years.

It is an application targeted at gay men looking for chat, dating, or just to have some great time with other men nearby.

Now, if you’re a female onlinedatingsingles prices looking for a relationship or just casual sex, we let you know that there are plenty of general-purpose dating apps that gay women can use: Tinder, Match, Coffee Meets Bagel, OkCupid, and Facebook dating are some great examples.

However, all of these apps have been originally designed for straight audiences. if you’re a lesbian, your options may seem narrow.

Table of Contents

  1. Grindr for girls: does it exist?
  2. Apps similar to Grindr for girls
    1. HER
    2. Zoe
    3. Pink Cupid
    4. Lex
  3. Wrap Up

Grindr for girls: does it exist?

Still, although Grindr is not meant for girls, there are apps out there made for the female lesbian audience. Please read on to check some great options along this article. Continue reading »