Since my boyfriend and I had decided to do the long distance thing, he calls me every single morning to say, “Good morning,” and every single night to say, “Goodnight.” If that’s not love, I’m not sure what is. The time difference is 8 hours, so it is difficult to find time to really talk to each other, but we make time. When I wake up around 6 or 7am, he comes home from work and calls me. When he wakes up for work at 6am, he calls and he’s the last person I go to bed thinking about. Early in our LDR, there was a Saturday that he didn’t call me (because he had plans with his family and was busy, but I didn’t know or care), I called him and said, “You didn’t call me,” and completely blew it out of proportion (knowing that it could go 2 ways: he’ll never do it again or he’s over the LDR). Continue reading »
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