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Jul 132021

Dating is dead and “hookup culture’’ reigns on America’s university campuses. Or more goes the media that are typical about university life today. It, scientific support just isn’t there while it certainly sounds compelling and virtually every show on MTV corroborates. In reality, just just exactly exactly what the info reveals is the fact that, not merely is dating alive and well, but students that are modern maybe perhaps perhaps perhaps not appear to be any longer intimately active than pupils from past generations.

Probably one of the most vocal proponents for the “hookup culture’’ narrative is author Donna Freitas. In her 2013 book,The End of Intercourse, she argues that “hookup tradition dominates the everyday lives of university students now. Many pupils invest hours excruciating over their hopes for Friday evening and, later on, dissecting the evenings’ successes or problems, usually wishing that the contract that is social of hookup will allow them to inquire of to get more away from intimate intimacy.’’ Freitas’ claims have actually collected plenty of news attention, however the technology informs a various tale. Continue reading »