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Jun 072022

Tanya Zuckerbrot says LeFrak was following her high-fiber, high-protein plan for health reasons, but the diet’s weight loss benefits were what got the social set calling for appointments and high-fiber Scandinavian “GG” crackers

Paltrow’s lifestyle website, Goop, recommends instead a variation on Merla Zellerbach’s detox diet, which is heavy on herbal tea for breakfast and dinners of broccoli and arugula soup. What the diet lacks in appeal it makes up in comedy: The first of the scant comestibles permitted every day is a “glass of room temperature lemon water.”

In 2015, Argentine It girl Sofi?a Sanchez Barrenechea married the French fashion event producer Alexandre de Betak in a three-day international society destination wedding in Patagonia. “When I was planning our wedding, I was just eating cheesecake. And the more I ate cheesecake, the less hungry I got, because it would mess up my stomach,” she says. Her preferred brand was Junior’s, the iconic Brooklyn cheesecake bakery, delivered by Amazon Fresh.

“By the end of the month I realized I had barely eaten anything other than cheesecake, because it was literally messing up my stomach and I wasn’t very hungry,” Madame de Betak confesses. Then she crows triumphantly, “And pictures show that I was extremely thin for the wedding!”

Francine LeFrak, the New York real estate heiress turned Hollywood producer, almost accidentally launched the career of society’s current It dietician. Zuckerbrot repackaged the program as the F-Factor diet, attracting clients like candy entrepreneur Dylan Lauren, reality show–cialite Tinsley Mortimer, and MetBall planner turned Melania Trump adviser Stephanie Winston Wolkoff. Continue reading »

Jan 192022

Besides scoring some pretty awesome monogrammed bathroom towels and sheets (oh, plus remarkable newer wife or husband!), there are also much more positive points to relationships than you possibly might bring believe. Really, did you know that getting married suggests you might have a lower body right up in obtaining pros, legal rights and benefits under Social safety and property regulations, government advantages and qualifications for shared medical insurance guidelines and family members discounts from businesses? The bottom line is, the benefits of wedding are many and that can streamline a number of legal issues, which is the reason why we consulted professionals to help discuss 13 benefits associated with matrimony.

(Comprehensive disclosure: Since several of these topics is generally quite big and may also call for appropriate guidelines, we recommend you seek advice from an attorney and/or accountant in your neighborhood for more elaboration.)

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