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Jan 102022

Now, with of this getting stated, i have to state this: We still must progressively transcend capitalism. Capitalism keeps served an evolutionary reason for humankind, catalyzing the creation of world-improving technologies and elevating the global quality lifestyle immensely. However, it has some significant weaknesses, like externalizing substantial expenses upon the surroundings and travel the fast imprudent improvement nanotechnology, hereditary engineering, as well as other technology that may be weaponized catastrophically and decimate the biosphere. Ita€™s possible we can prevent these weaknesses through laws and rules, but we could possibly should push beyond capitalism completely. Therefore, Ia€™m in favor of a gradual, methodical, data-driven way of assessment and implementing new a few ideas in business economics that solve capitalisma€™s bonus problems.

Should youa€™re fascinated to consider about capitalism, I strongly recommend this acutely well-balanced, incisive lecture by Jonathan Haidt, examining the advantages and disadvantages of capitalism.

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I believe that for various interrelated global spiritual movements as maximally impactful and beneficial, they need to deal with their particular shadow elements. Continue reading »