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Jul 192021

The dirt has finally settled into the battle between firearms giants Sig Sauer and Glock throughout the Army’s system to restore over fifty percent a million M9 Beretta handguns after federal government investigators sided with Sig over a protest that claimed the company ended up being selected unfairly.

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The Government Accountability Office denied the protest by Glock of the January award of a massive contract to replace nearly 550,000 handguns in the Army and other services with a militarized version of the Sig P320 striker-fired pistol in a June 5 report.

U.S. Marines with Combat Marksmanship Company, Weapons Training Battalion, fire Glock 17 pistols at Altcar Training Camp, Hightown, uk on May 15, 2017. (U.S. Marine Corps photo by Sgt. Gregory D. Boyd)

As the GAO take a look at this website said each was extremely close in performance as well as other factors that evaluators looked at, Sig came in by having a system price nearly $130 million not as much as Glock.

“Based upon the technical evaluation and my relative analysis regarding the proposals, the Sig Sauer proposal features a small technical advantage throughout the Glock proposition,” the GAO said in its final report. “The advantage of the Sig Sauer proposition is increased once the license legal rights and manufacturing manufacturing factors are brought into consideration … making the Sig Sauer proposition overall the most effective value to the government.”

The Sig was said by the evaluators and Glock basically ran neck in neck when it stumbled on reliability, accuracy, and ergonomics. Nevertheless the Army hit Glock on its security throughout the “warfighter evaluation” period of testing, offering Sig a benefit and prompting Glock to factor that into its protest. Continue reading »