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Apr 232022

But it’s in fact very tough

Gurley: My personal trust is the fact beginning with 2008 – I mean, what happened during the 1999 and 2001 starts to are likely involved – however it really was 2008 where every LPs variety of woke up and said, “You know, enough will be enough.” For companies that purchase Series An excellent and B, it is, I believe, difficult, and that i think it’s become more complicated to raise money in that business. For various causes, the latest vegetables phase – because a great deal more riches is made previously around three otherwise several years, so there is actually reasonable bucks here. After which, to possess explanations which might be however some interested if you ask me, new late-stage sector recently already been loaded with money … [but] we now have a small gang of LPs that we have been with permanently, and it is perhaps not something, extremely.

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