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Dez 022023

Data limitations

No matter if the blended-means browse means is designed to make significantly more over consequences than just using both approach independently, our conclusions around IPV was in fact more overtly noticable regarding qualitative analysis on ple due to the fact our very own questionnaire module failed to explicitly read the IPV.

Next, specific subtleties was missing from inside the translation both in study collection and you can studies. Whether or not enumerators, interviewers, and programming team was indeed proficient regarding the Chittagonian dialect out-of Bangla, that is just like the Rohingya language, certain distinguished discrepancies exist. I lessened inaccuracies of the inserting certain Rohingya terms and conditions on the interview and questionnaire instructions just after interviewers and you may enumerators got absorbed them, normally pursuing the pilot phase. Reading certain Rohingya words might help us structure gadgets to own linguistic importance in the future cycles of information range. At exactly the same time, there are not any terms and conditions in the Rohingya one take particular emotional axioms-in addition to anxiety, post-traumatic stress and you can anxiety (Tay ainsi que al. 2018).


The data establish a complex picture of the newest weaknesses facing married Rohingya girls while the barriers one to prevent them putting on ‘the types of assets one expand the ability men and women so you can go respected ways “doing being”‘ (GAGE consortium 2019, p. 2). The moment Rohingya girls get into puberty, prevailing gender norms begin shaping the trajectories. Marriage gets the new commonplace personal part to possess girls who happen to be hitched, and you will a prominent ambition to own unilies, reflecting Bourdieu’s normalisation and you can breeding out-of gender techniques and you will norms (1977). Continue reading »