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Dez 232023

Because transborder transfer of data out of Chicken relates to of many concerns in practice in addition to Panel doesn’t publish the list of places having compatible number of shelter, it’s become technically impossible to verify conformity into the rules in many cases. This example created a hope that Board won’t decide into the a citation out-of transborder transmits and you can won’t impose management fees and penalties under the current standards. But not, contrary to so it assumption, brand new Panel enforced a great number of administrative okay toward Auction web sites Poultry according to a few abuses, like the admission about your transborder transfer of private information.

A number of the criticised activities should be described the following:

Within Board azon Poultry, because the operator, had recorded their endeavors towards Board toward consent of the newest worried transborder transfers regarding personals studies, although Panel hadn’t but really decided on this matter. Ergo, it was underlined by the Panel that the just courtroom option for Auction web sites Turkey’s transborder transmits off private information would be to receive new specific concur of your own concerned analysis topic. It was concluded that the procedure followed closely by Auction web sites didn’t consist of direct agree and you will wasn’t during the compliance towards the techniques established by the PDP Law.

The current rules and this Board decision are based on Turkey’s government rules toward ensuring that information is managed for the nation.

  1. The brand new Board’s thin and exact translation of your PDP Legislation, its failure to consider legislation as a whole, as well as incapacity so you’re able to account for worldwide events properly introduced during the conformity having Blog post 90 of the Constitution, especially the Convention 108 therefore the Most Method 181. Continue reading »