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Apr 052024

quite associated, anyone in times in which their high otherdidn’t necessarily hate Phish however, wouldn’t discover the need certainly to goto tall lengths and bills observe them or any other programs/musicfestivals?

i had this matter with my broadcast-hearing, matchbox-20-ass ex-bride-to-be. andyes, i’m within the impression you to definitely audio is fairly important in a beneficial dating, not as well essential that you cannot functions up to it. nevertheless sucks going toconcerts with out them, doesn’t it? and you will operating throughout the vehicles (my fav. phish go out)that really sucks! i am able to let you know that it. i’m seeking an excellent pseudo-hippie jamband hottie to any extent further. i am major. (they’re prettier in any event. )

I took on my girlfriend so you can her very first show and you can she try bored stiff in order to tears. firsttime I previously grabbed anybody fresh to a tv series and you can was not converted. oh better, westill gone when you look at the to one another and that i however visit suggests.

I believe you should not grab you happen to be boyfriend or girlfriend in order to an excellent Phishshow up to they know while having heard the Studio albums. It is kuinka postimyynti morsiamet toimivat somuch more pleasurable to find a track you understand and you may wanted to pay attention to rather than score abunch away from haphazard musical you don’t know. Continue reading »