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Jan 292023

In the event that a couple of white, evangelical Protestants marry, they’re both Republican, however they may not have started matchmaking since they’re Republicans, they may have started matchmaking as they enjoys a shared cultural and you can religious orientation

It’s an excellent truism one politics creates strange bedfellows, but there is however proof this also produces normal bedfellows.

Political experts and you will sociologists possess sought for to know what pushes so it homogeneity. Manage some one search lovers with comparable political opinions? Perform couples‘ political opinions coalesce over time? Try common government a side effect of other factors, instance mutual faith?

A recent blog post about Diary of Government because of the Gregory Huber, Yale teacher out-of political technology, and you will Neil Malhotra, a teacher of political benefit on Stanford University, offers new insight into such issues.

They used a couple of studies – that associated with a survey having fun with manipulated dating pages, and another using an excellent trove of data off an internet dating service -that measure people’s perceptions prior to they means dating. Continue reading »