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Dez 312021

1. You’ll often devour dessert for supper.

From the the first time my variety mama supported myself ovocne knedliky — fluffy dumplings filled up with fruit (usually berries, or plums), topped with dissolved butter, powdered sugar, and a part of bitter cream. And then there was palacinky, their particular form of pancakes/crepes, that can easily be served savory but nonetheless flavor sweet to me. These foods include completely acceptable dinner selection, and helped me not become very embarrassed at creating a slice of cake for supper from time to time.

2. You really should put on slippers indoors.

Perhaps not barefoot, and never also socked legs — every person in my personal number families had their very own pair of slippers or a different couple of “house footwear” they changed into once they emerged inside. It was a comfortable means for these to operate in your home, but I became very much accustomed to wear my shoes for hrs at a time this particular grabbed many becoming familiar with. Czechs won’t have trouble asking you to remove your shoes, and could have slippers for guests, nonetheless it’s one thing to keep in mind (keep a couple of socks with you in the event that notion of ‘community slippers’ freaks your out).

3. you will see men and women dressed in hardly something inside the house.

I had to steel myself sometimes when visiting the homes of friends, comprehending that a number of of these household members might-be half-clothed. Maybe not in a sexy method, actually, but there were fathers who’d no problems seated concerning the household in just a container top and underpants, and filipino cupid mothers whom prepared morning meal within their slips, and small children running around nude, or just dressed in t-shirts but no trousers. While I felt uncomfortable to start with, I’d to give some thought to my very own lifestyle — how many times performed we circumambulate in my own undergarments when nobody was house? Continue reading »