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Nov 232021

We’ve build OkCupid visibility “About Me” instances for every of the 6 prompts OkCupid lets you pick.

Decide to try these options aside and watch which is the greatest complement your own OkCupid profile!

OkCupid Visibility “About Me” #1: My Personal Self-summary

OkCupid’s basic and a lot of prominent “About me” remind is actually “My self-summary”. This OkCupid visibility choice is very common it may think challenging to generate an authentic and fascinating way to review your self.

Well known go-to is always to listing three favorite affairs — food, interests, videos — whatever you’re excited about.

Restricting your own checklist to three helps to keep your own summary succinct and can make men enthusiastic about studying more info on you as opposed to thought they have you figured out.


Jocelyn, 28 My self-summary terrible scary flicks, bad beer, running in Riverside playground

Peter, 30 My self-summary Matcha addict, Minecraft designer, Michael Bay movies critic

OkCupid Visibility “About Me” number 2: Preferred Thing

Unless you are traveling, people witnessing the OkCupid profile probably inhabit equivalent room when you. Therefore answering the “favorite thing about the spot we live” punctual with something really common regarding your city, like “sunshine, hills, people” is not all those things powerful.

OkCupid profiles that provide a really particular interesting truth or anecdote are much prone to get a doubletake.


Renee, 24 preferred benefit of the spot I living I am able to get CBD tinctures for me and my canine from no less than 3 locations back at my block. Continue reading »