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Apr 062022

Michael John Mathis are to your Acela teach when he forgot their group of Warby Parker reading glasses. Resentful during the scenario, Michael bought similar pair online the next day.

But nothing performed he remember that the overall Guidance out of Warby Parker, Anjali Kumar, are sat right contrary him on train. To Michael’s treat, the guy gotten a great deal a couple weeks after which have not one however, several sets of the very exact same glasses, as well as a text and you may an individual notice out-of Kumar.

six. Buyer Joe’s Performs a xmas Secret

During the an awful snow inside Pennsylvania, a concerned daughter rang to all the regional super markets to help you find out if them create submit so you’re able to this lady 89-year-old father who was snowed-in. After all of the most other areas said ‘no‘, she believe the woman trip is impossible. Continue reading »