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Nov 012021

Bala Kamallakharan Bala worked within the Icelandic financial industry before focusing on assisting Icelandic startups receive foreign venture capital resource. He’s got lived-in Iceland for 11 age, is actually hitched to an Icelandic girl possesses two offspring in Iceland. The Directorate of Immigration found that a single speeding citation outweighed all this, denying their citizenship program. Photo/Daniel.

The Icelandic Directorate of Immigration has come under hefty feedback following citizenship application of an Indian people had been refused as a result of one speeding pass. The man, Bala Kamallakharan, try partnered to an Icelandic lady. The couple have two youngsters. Bala was an investor whom started Startup Iceland, an annual conference which gives Icelandic startups and foreign dealers with each other. Bala has not been discovered responsible for any criminal activity, and he features merely gotten a single speeding ticket since the guy initially found Iceland. Continue reading »