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Jun 242022

The thrill of sending nudes

You can also tell her you’re somewhere where you shouldn’t be sexting, but the taboo is turning you on even more. The idea of it being naughty to send a nude will turn a lot of women on too, especially if it’s going to make a man miss her even more. Nevertheless, you’ll need to make it clear you’re somewhere there’s no risk of being snooped on. Think “stuck in the office alone” rather than “trapped on a crowded bus.”

Quick tip: You might find more luck communicating through Snapchat or Instagram DMs, as these platforms include the option to make images disappear after they’ve been viewed.

What NOT to do!

  • randomly text „Send Noods“ or „Let’s see your tits“;
  • send an unsolicited nude of yourself in the hope she reciprocates;
  • tell her you need material for your „spank bank“;
  • ramp up the dirty talk when she’s clearly not reciprocating or enjoying it;
  • even joke about sharing the pics with your buddies, let alone do it;
  • persist with asking when she says no. There’s plenty of porn on the internet, dude.

The great thing about receiving a dirty picture is it often opens the floodgates. Once she’s sent one, there’s less of a barrier for her to send you more in the future.

If you haven’t had sex with this woman yet, this is a surefire sign that she likes and trusts you enough to do so in the near future (It’s probably a good time to arrange that as quickly as possible after she sends the picture).

It’s not the time for over-the-top flattery either. If you appear to be fully won over, she has little incentive to hit you up with even saucier nudes in the future. Continue reading »

Mai 202022

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