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Nov 062023

This new role out-of kinship for the bi-federal partners: Intergenerational solidarity within the Turkish-Italian language family

Intermarriages, we.elizabeth., marriages anywhere between people from additional ethnic backgrounds, have increased lately a number of parts of the world and also in Germany. These marriage ceremonies, commonly anywhere between a keen immigrant and you will a native mate, has certain effects for family relations dynamics. So far, studies have focused on what is causing ethnic exogamy, connection high quality, and you will virility certainly one of interethnic partners. Playing with problem-centered interview which have Turkish-German couples residing Germany, today’s research is designed to develop it angle of the considering kin relationship (settings out-of communication, spatial and emotional intimacy, direction and help, contract with the beliefs and you will obligations), which have barely started studied for the bi-national group up to now. Continue reading »