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Mrz 302022

Once you’ve uploaded your photo (or not), you need to make sure your location settings are turned on on the device you’re using.

And that’s it. There is nothing complicated about the Pure sign-up process. Also, you’ll have to create a new account every time you use the app.

How Does Pure Work?

Pure app requires you to publish your personal ad on the app. After you signup, you’ve to complete your profile and post it on Personal Ads. To see other people in your feed, you need to post your Ad. There, you’ve to write what kind of experience you are looking for and find someone who would share the same experience with you. And, your profile and chat self-destructs after 24 hours.

Are Pure’s Profiles Real?

Hook-up apps are always fraught with a little bit of risk because you never quite know how many fake profiles you’re going to come across.

The way the Pure app is set up means it seems at first to be harder than ever to tell whether a profile is real or fake.

For example, no one is obliged to add any photos if they don’t want to, and neither are they obliged to list their age. The Pure team even reminds you that you shouldn’t ask someone their age because it’s purely up to them whether or not they want to reveal it in their profile.

Pure is unique in that ALL the profiles are temporary. They’re also self-destructing. Everyone gets an hour to use their account after they first create it. If they haven’t arranged to meet up with someone by then, their profile is deleted. Continue reading »