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Dez 062023

Vera’s moving novel — their own next shortly after Basically Bring you Flowers — examines the new pushes that added one loved ones to exit the precious homeland and look for yet another come from an unknown and you can unwelcoming home

Marisel Vera shines a light with the a little-recognized facet of You.S. record from the Taste Away from Glucose. From the change of twentieth century, huge numbers of people on has just received territory from Puerto Rico moved midway internationally to work towards the sugarcane plantations inside the Hawaii.

To know as to the reasons Vicente Vega, his partner Valentina and you may Vicente’s 50 % of-cousin Raulito make rigorous go The state, Vera (who is away from Puerto Rican heritage) first converts this new time clock back again to the newest middle-19th century, if Language still governed along side Caribbean island. Slavery stays judge (it might perhaps not avoid until 1873), and you will significant impoverishment is actually systemic. Even after abolition, many with the area are not any better than serfs, way of living “los angeles vida de- perro.” (Foreign language try interwoven on the text.) On the other hand, Vicente’s father is a gently well-away from proprietor out-of a coffee plantation about mountainous area for Utuado. But the family members‘ luck decline over the years. Once Vicente develops in order to dick, they are very humble growers, regardless if they are best off as compared to peones just who “was lucky if they consume once a day.”

The smitten girl “wishing to possess love and you can thrill” gets right up their intimate hopes for Paris so you’re able to good de casa” on the farm is absolutely nothing instance getting a homemaker in Ponce. Continue reading »